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Code of ethics of the hypnologist

We will systematically use the term hypnologist as a generic term bringing together (in a non-exhaustive way) the different users of hypnosis as part of a support process such as: hypnosis practitioners, hypnosis coaches, hypno-practitioners or also hypno-coaches, and all other professions using hypnosis in general and in a non-medical context, as opposed to hypnotherapist which more generally designates the exercise of hypnosis in the field of care. This is with the aim of including different approaches, schools and influences as well as different professions that can use hypnosis according to the needs and specificities that we will call here the professions of hypnosis.

ART 1. RESPECT FOR FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS The hypnologist carries out his mission with respect for human dignity and the personal, private and family life of the person.

ART 2. MORALITY, PROBITY AND HUMANITY The essential principles of the profession guide the behavior of the hypnologist in all circumstances. The hypnologist exercises his functions with independence, probity and humanity. Relationships of trust can only exist if there is no doubt about the personal honor, probity and integrity of the hypnologist. These traditional virtues are professional obligations. It is prohibited to practice under a pseudonym. The person of the hypnologist must be perfectly identifiable, particularly by means of his or her first and last name. He respects, in his exercise, the principles of loyalty, brotherhood, delicacy, moderation and courtesy. He demonstrates, towards his clients, competence, dedication, diligence and prudence.

The profession of hypnologist is a liberal and independent profession whatever its mode of practice. The multiplicity of duties incumbent on the hypnologist imposes on him absolute independence, free from any pressure, particularly that resulting from his own interests or external influences.

ART 4. DUTY OF RESERVE AND DISCRETION The right of reservation (professional secrecy), established in the interest of clients, is binding on all hypnologists. The duty of confidentiality covers everything that has come to the knowledge of the hypnologist in the exercise of his profession, that is to say not only what has been entrusted to him but also what he has seen, perceived , heard, understood or felt. The professional duty of confidentiality is general and unlimited in time subject to the strict requirements of the hypnologist's own defense before any jurisdiction. The hypnologist is relieved of his professional obligation in the event of an eminent and compelling reason. When he becomes aware that a minor is exposed to a particularly serious risk or that he is subjected to any act of a sexual nature or of a criminal nature, he notifies the prosecutor or any other competent authority. The hypnologist incurs no professional sanction if he provides, despite his obligation of secrecy, information enabling the avoidance of a current or future danger of particular seriousness. The hypnologist ensures his duty of reserve and discretion is respected by the members of his secretariat and by any person who cooperates with him in his professional activity. The secret can be shared in the event of a particularly serious difficulty requiring the hypnologist to seek the advice of his colleagues.

The hypnologist has the obligation to pursue the best interests of his client, in relation to his own interests, conceptions or those of his colleagues. The hypnologist's decisions regarding the intervention and the strategy to adopt respect the objective defined with the client. Where applicable, the hypnologist must take into account the negative impact that a change could have on the client's "environment" and inform the client of this. The hypnologist provides fair, clear and appropriate information on his competence and on the progress of the session. He takes the client's personality into account in his explanations and ensures their understanding. The hypnologist does not use his position of trust for personal purposes, proselytism or abuse of the possible state of weakness of his client.

ART 6. CONSCIENCE CLAUSE The hypnologist disclaims any mission contrary to the ethical principles of his profession or endangering his independence. If the bond of trust between the hypnologist and the client is seriously altered, the latter may decide to interrupt his mission. If the defined objective does not fall within the competence of the hypnologist, he moves away and directs him towards a professional in the appropriate discipline (general medicine, psychiatry, psychology, etc.). The hypnologist must listen, inform and advise all people with the same conscience without discrimination.

ART 7. PRINCIPLE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION Origin, morals, family situation, disability or state of health, true or supposed belonging to an ethnic group, a nation, a specific religion, or to a political movement cannot constitute a valid reason for pose your conscience clause. The hypnologist called upon to give a consultation to a minor or protected adult must obtain the informed consent of at least one parent or legal representative. If the hypnologist is led to refuse a request, particularly if it does not fall within his area of ​​expertise, his specialty, or if the nature of the request conflicts with his values ​​and ethics, he informs his customer.

To practice, the signatory must have followed and validated training delivered or recognized as equivalent by one of the training organizations signatories to this code. He must meet moral requirements throughout his practice and respect the ethical principles of the profession. The hypnologist must maintain and perfect his knowledge and professional skills while taking into account technical, scientific and ethical developments in the profession. He must participate in continuing training activities and can participate in the evaluation of professional practices.

Advertising is permitted for hypnologists if it provides fair information to the public and if its implementation is faithful to the essential principles of the profession. Advertising includes the dissemination of information on the nature of the services offered, as long as it is exclusive of any form of canvassing. Prohibition of any advertising that is misleading or contains inaccurate or misleading information, hyperbolic or comparative statements or those likely to create the appearance of an unrecognized professional qualification. The hypnologist may use any legal means to ensure his personal publicity, as long as the provisions of this article are respected.

Brotherhood requires relationships of trust and respect between hypnologists, in the interest of the client and the reputation of the profession. The hypnologist recognizes as a colleague any person competent in their practice of hypnosis and respectful of ethical principles, and maintains towards them a brotherly, dignified and loyal behavior. Hypnologists must provide assistance in adversity or difficulty. In the event of a dispute with a colleague, the hypnologist must seek conciliation, if necessary through the ethics committee. All hypnologists must constantly ensure not to bring the profession or their colleagues into disrepute through unworthy behavior, even outside the scope of their professional practice

A practicing hypnologist must not divert for his own benefit the clients of a colleague or those entrusted to him temporarily. Any practice constituting unfair competition is prohibited. The hypnologist must ensure his professional liability to a reasonable extent having regard to the nature and importance of the risks incurred.

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