Coaching in French in London
It is increasingly common today to call on outside help when faced with difficult situations. Also much more widespread in recent years: the desire to work on oneself to become a better version to better enjoy life.
Life coaching is quite simply personal coaching intended to help a person deal with a situation that they wish to change in their daily life (stress, self-confidence, self-esteem, life as a couple, personal development, management of emotions, balance between professional and personal life.)
You will have understood that parental coaching focuses on children and the system that the family represents.
A coach accompanies, motivates, encourages and guides the approaches and objectives to be achieved with kindness, empathy, listening and ethics.
The coach leads his Client to think and take a step back on what he:
FACT: his behaviors/actions
THINK: your cognitive processes: your mind, your thoughts, your beliefs
FEEL: one’s emotions/feelings
The tools : Exercises in session or to be done on your own to work on yourself, take a step back and provide another angle of view are put in place depending on the situations or difficulties brought by the Client.
Relational intelligence: A lot of listening and an exact repetition of the Client's words brings a mirror effect which already makes you work a lot and understand things. A reassuring framework: Precise protocols and other diagnostic tools guide the coach's work and allow the Client to progress exercise after exercise.
The coach can also sometimes be confrontational to bring about an evolution in the Client. Activate the little-exploited resources of our brain: To help achieve an objective: we can seek to activate the left brain and promote a visualization of the client in the objective achieved.
Even more effective, working with hypnosis.